Am I? I Am!, 2020


Repurposed woven bulk bag, soft plastics, cotton and wool thread, raw wool, clothing scraps, pillows, cushions, doonas, old polystyrene beans, newspaper, flora, lollies, rubbish, paper, paint, ink, mirrors, clothing and felted woollen knitted jumpers.

Am I? is made up of a series of collages and mirrors made from found things and newspaper text looking at where our mind takes us when left to its own devices and the self-doubt/reflection questions we all ask ourselves. 

I am! consists of a chair made from recycled rubbish and old clothing that sits directly in front of Am I?, reflecting defiance and standing its ground as it is. The chair is grounded, it does not question itself, it just is. The chair envelopes in a warm, reassuring embrace as Am I? is conteplated. Yes, it says, you are exactly what you are meant to be. 

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